Wednesday, February 22, 2023 : John Leary Pray for the souls in purgatory. In other words the more good deeds you have, it will lessen your time in purgatory. 14Do not prayfor this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listenwhen they call to me in the time of their distress. This virus will come in the fall and there will be so much death and confusion, that your election will be canceled. Here is another great video by Servants of Christ about St. Vincent Ferrar and his prophetic message about the end of the world, which are our times. As you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your health problems. We offer up all of our suffering, work, joy, and pain and unite them to Our Lord, Jesus Christs Cross for the Salvation of Souls. Posts In This Blog on The Warning, or Illumination of Conscience. They should not be bailed out by the rich liberals who are paying the anarchists to cause trouble. You have been praying and watching Mass on TV and the internet with only spiritual Communion. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: Donato di santo - tra italia e america latina Jesus said: My people, in some news you are seeing a lot of people who are able to come back to their old jobs, but there are still millions of people who are unemployed. Here are the latest messages on After the Warning website, the first to Giselle Cardia. I want people to love Me of their own free will. Posts in This Blog Explaining Why We Are in The End Times. Larvin and. This virus will be spread the worst in America. Tu continuaras viendo estas protestas planificadas hasta el otoo, cuando haiga otra ola de un virus peor. Although they cryout to me, I will not listento them. When evil gets worse, you will be forced to stay at your refuge. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can receive Me again in Holy Communion., Jesus said: My people, I am showing you My Sacred Heart because I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to save all of mankind. If we dont choose on national levels in our societies to turn away from sin and the evil that it encompasses, then evil grows exponentially. On June 15, ministers were planning on opening non-essential retail premises. 5Then I will fulfill the oath I sworeto your ancestors, to give them a land flowing with milk and honeythe land you possess today., 6TheLordsaid to me, Proclaimall these words in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: Listen to the terms of this covenant and followthem. Es un problema cuando las falsas noticias no reportan los verdaderos nmeros de muertes relacionados con el coronavirus. You will see a deadlier virus in the fall that will be so severe that it will be almost impossible for doctors to perform abortions. Also, Prophetic message from Julie Whedbee, that Father Reehil mentions in his Podcast on one of her PropheticDreams. Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary May 27, 2017 Prophet John Leary Monday, May 8, 2017 Jesus said: "My people, I have told you that you could see one of your small wars expand into a world war. En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando frente al DVD de la adoracin. 21Therefore this is what theLordsays about the people of Anathothwho are threatening to kill you,saying, Do not prophesyin the name of theLordor you will dieby our hands22therefore this is what theLordAlmighty says: I will punish them. Welcome to Live and Love For Jesus! For light at night you may need lamp oil with the lanterns and wicks. En la Advertencia Yo le dar a cada pecador una segunda oportunidad para que venga hacia Mi en fe hacia una nueva conversin y arrepentimiento por sus pecados. john leary latest messages june 2020 - Is this also Planet X, Hercolubus, or TRAPPIST-1? Tu tuviste 4 practicas del refugio con personas que se quedaron a dormir en tu casa, hasta usaste el combustible para calentar tu casa con queroseno y madera. I will help My refuge builders to provide bedding, latrines, and organize groups to lead your refuges. Messages : John Leary Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This word from Our Lord to John Leary on June 10, 2022, is similar to what we wrote above about the Prophet Jeremiah. You will visit the place of your judgment. Most of your needs will be provided at your refuge. Solo los creyentes en Mi palabra sern permitidos entrar a Mis refugios con el permiso de Mi ngel. I do not imply or try to infringe on any copyright on such works by them, but I do propagate their works as my Christian freedom and right to testify to their good fruit in my life. Jesus said: My people, when St. Paul was in prison in Rome, he still was able to preach My Gospel to those people who visited him, and to those people he wrote letters. This blog is about surrender, transformation, relationship and discipleship to Our Lord Jesus Christ. There is freedom of speech, but looting and burning peoples properties is a crime, and these anarchists need to be in jail. what was the premier league called before; Yo me puedo ver dentro de un bote que representa el arca del refugio. 7From the time I brought your ancestors up from Egypt until today, I warned them again and again,saying, Obey me.8But they did not listen or pay attention;instead, they followed the stubbornness of their evil hearts. These evil ones are trying to stir up a race riot to divide your country. T has visto la primera ola del corona virus siguiendo las protestas y saqueos por Vidas Negras Importan y el movimiento Antifa. You are all happy to see Me in Holy Communion, and your friends. You will be healed of any virus or health problems at My refuges. All of My refuge builders have accepted their mission for Me, and many have spent a lot of money preparing for the coming tribulation. Este virus llegar en el otoo y habr tanta muerte y confusin, que las elecciones sern canceladas. Todos estos pecados son mortales y violan la formacin de la vida tal como Yo intente en un ambiente amoroso en familia. Do not waste your precious time while you have life., Jesus said: My son, I am showing you a time line that leads into the tribulation. Unite your hearts with My Heart, and unite your suffering with My suffering on the cross. How To Translate Downloadable Documents, Books And Booklets, On This Blog Into 90 Languages, Holy Love Ministry Heavenly Messages In 90 Languages Translation Instructions, Our Lady Of Medjugorje Messages In 90 Languages Translation Instructions, CONTACT ME: I can shelter and board a conservative priest in crisis in the USA, Website: Our Lady of Emmitsburg Gianna Talone-Sullivan Spiritual Counseling, Website: My Sacred Shelter Prayer Requests, Sister Website: Mary Queen Of Peace Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje, Sister Website: Jesus And Mary Love Children (And Teens! These Black Lives Matter groups will try and carry their protests into the surrounding towns. Amen. No pierdan tiempo precioso mientras tengas vida., Junio 20, 2020 (Reuniones de Trump, saqueos. Published by at June 13, 2022. Las personas necesitan convertirse a ser creyentes, para que sean dignos de entrar en Mis refugios., Junio 9, 2020 (2) (Proyectos de Refugios necesarios para sobrevivir) Tu tuviste que poner una chimenea, y almacenaste alguna madera y queroseno para el combustible con algunos calentadores. En la capilla del Padre Eterno, Yo oraba ante el DVD de Adoracin. This is a perfect example of why God has to intervene with His wrath eventually, because of the amount of evil that is growing all over the world, not just in the United States of America. Tu estas experimentando un pequeo alivio de los casos del virus en el rea, pero otras partes del pas estn todava teniendo ms casos. Tu invocas al Espritu Santo para que te ayude a escribir Mis palabras en lugar silencioso. Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ - June 23 Los oficiales demcratas en sus estados estn permitiendo estos anarquistas tener control sobre sus ciudades. Reconciling What St. Augustine Wrote in Understanding the First Resurrection and the Second Resurrection and Our Discernment of the Harvest! The John and Gisele Fetterman Romance: A Ken Burns Documentary You are seeing police and the National Guard setting up order after these riots and looting. En el lugar de reunin despus de la Santa Comunin, yo puedo ver un misil negro en direccin a nuestro pas. June 4, 2020 Thursday, May 28, 2020: Jesus said: "My people, I have told you in many messages how this first wave of the corona virus is why you are living in the pre-tribulation. Only My believers will be saved at My refuges. Cuando la violencia y disparos hacia la polica empiece tu podras ver el comienzo de una guerra civil entre los protestantes violentos liberales y los patriarcas. This is why the evil ones are doing everything they can to upset your government. I was constantly raising up prophets in Israel so the people could change their hearts to love Me. Commentaries From Life Site News and Dr. Taylor Marshall. Also, tomorrow, there will be an alignment of 5 planets in our solar system that rarely takes place. June, 2020 Messages : John Leary 17TheLordAlmighty, who plantedyou, has decreed disasterfor you, because the people of both Israel and Judah have done evil and arousedmy anger by burning incense to Baal. At the Warning I will give every sinner a second chance to come to Me in faith as a new convert to repent of their sins. God doesnt change nor does He break His Covenant with His Children, WE DO! Wallstreetjournal 20230131 TheWallStreetJournal | PDF | Federal Reserve En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando y viendo la Misa por el internet. The video is down at the bottom of this Newsweek article posted yesterday. You could put some Masses for yourself in your Will for your family to carry out. If we sin against Him, we are breaking our Covenant with Him because we have chosen sin over His Laws, Commandments and Ways. Solo es cuestin del tiempo., Jesus said: My people, in the vision you came out of a dark cave into My Light of freedom as you came back to your second parish in a long time. I dont believe this was accidental, but more of another soft discloser of what they are planning, and this is also what the Prophets in this blog have been warning us about from God with deadly plagues being created and released. miami dolphins players who have died. Otherwise, buy some five gallon jugs of water to multiply. Only believers in My Word will be allowed by My angel to enter My refuges. Estos mismos ngeles proveern edificios y multiplicarn la comida, agua, combustible para la gente. Esto es suficiente para Mis Fieles en Mis refugios. Amen. Here is Jeremiah, Chapter 11. Latest Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and the Two Preachers. I have asked My faithful to pray for the stoppage of abortion. In case you did not know it, there was and arch of Baal put up in Washington, D.C. in August of 2018 during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings for a Supreme Court Justice seat. Former model was part of 100m money-laundering operation led by Here is Mother and Refuge of the End Times. From the Los Angeles Blade, December 12, 2022: Meet the Bisexual Wife of Pennsylvania's New US Senator. You can buy some dried food, meals ready to eat, or canned foods. I have told you that the devils time is running out. Terms & Conditions! Yo los amo a todos, y Yo estoy ms cerca de ti cuando me recibes a Mi en persona. Latest Messages on After the Warning Website. You are all happy to see Me in Holy Communion, and your friends. I call on Heaven and give my free-will permission for The Father, Son and Holy Spirit the Blessed Trinity; Blessed Mother, The Angels and Saints, and the Souls in Purgatory to do the Jericho Prayer Walk 7 times each day for 7 days around the World. Back around 1900, a popular vaudeville song was "Let Me Shake the Hand that Shook the Hand of John L. Sullivan," the last heavyweight bareknuckle boxing champion. The latest messages can be read by clicking on the Latest Messages link under the Messages menu. Here is another to Pedro Regis. This was the Jim O'Leary Mansion and always had been for many generations of Jim O'Leary's. GLOBAL WAR-NING! Geoengineering, Politics, and the Planet (LogOut/ Eventually, people will be tired of the false protests, and you could have a backlash protest where opposing groups could clash with more violence. New Messages on After The Warning Website! Cada vez que ores en fe, tu comida no se terminara tampoco. Mis ngeles proveern por sus necesidades, y tu adoraras a Mi Santsimo Sacramento en la custodia en perpetua Adoracin. You will be praying every day, and I will give you daily Holy Communion from My priests and My angels.". My angels will also multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive. Does this sound familiar? Here is the information about the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart. 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For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and the whole world. john leary latest messages 2021 - Supreme Court hears dispute between New York and New Jersey You can see how the left influence on your media and education has brain-washed people against loving Me, and replacing it with communist atheist ideas. Latest Prophetic Message Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and Mystic Post TV. Michel Message from St. Gabriel On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint Gabriel the Archangel) came around 2:30 in the night to tell me about the Holy and Great discretion of Saint Joseph with the Holy Family and his role at. Latest News Reports from the Canadian Prepper, Glenn Beck, and Times Now. Prophet John Leary Yo puedo ver los anarquistas continuando de provocar a los policas que salieran de sus estaciones y destruyendo monumentos. 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