[87] In Singapore, the percentage of Christians among Singaporeans increased from 12.7%, in 1990, to 17.5%, in 2010. [511] The Zoroastrian Representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq has said that as many as 14,000 people in Iraqi Kurdistan have converted to Zoroastrianism recently, with community leaders repeating this and speculating that even more Zoroastrians in the region are practicing their faith secretly. [81] According to scholar Terence Chong, since 1980s Protestantism is expanding in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and South Korea. Like Americans in many other religious groups, a substantial share of adults who were raised Muslim no longer identify as members of the faith. Muslim women's low educational attainment is a likely factor; demographers find that higher educational attainment among women is tied to lower fertility rates". [47] It is expected that by 2025 there will be 600million Christians in Africa. [488][489] Mary Jones says Wicca is one of the fastest-growing religions in the United States as well. : New Dynamics of Religious Expansion in a Globalizing World, Think religion is in decline? [327] In Europe Muslim population will be nearly double (from 5.9% to 10.2%). [46], The Chinese folk religion is a "diffused religion" rather than "institutional". The death of a bald eagle that succumbed to what experts suspect is rat poisoning has led a push from wildlife advocates for state lawmakers to do more to protect the birds of prey and other creatures. The estimated world's Sikh population was over 30 million in 2020, and it will reach 42million by 2050. [38], It was reported in 2013 that around 5,000 British people convert to Islam every year, with most of them being women. [70] According to the same study, a large majority of those who raised as Christians (83%) in Western Europe, still identified themselves as Christians today. [7] While according to various scholars and sources Pentecostalism a Protestant Christian movement is the fastest growing religion in the world,[8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] this growth is primarily due to religious conversion and denomination switching among Christians. The number of Muslims will equal the number of Christians around the . [268], The 2001 American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) survey estimated that between 1990 and 2001 the number of self-identifying deists grew from 6,000 to 49,000, representing about 0.02% of the US population at the time.[269]. Some seven years later, Muhammad and his many followers returned to Mecca and conquered the region. This increase primarily reflects the rapid growth of Haredi and some Orthodox sectors, who are becoming a growing proportion of Jews. [383] [295][296] According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, as of 2007 estimated that the fastest-growing religion of the world to be Islam (1.84%), high birth rates in as the reason for the growths. [331] Europe's Muslim population also has higher fertility (2.1) than other religious groups in the region, well above the regional average (1.6). Hibatullah Akhundzada praised his movement's advance in every corner of the country and celebrated the historic seizure of Kabul in August 2021 as one more. Comparing its amount to the obligatory zakah which an ex-dhimmi should give to the Muslim state in case he converts to Islam dismisses the claim that its aim was forced conversions to Islam. Levy, Robert I. Mesocosm: Hinduism and the Organization of a Traditional Newar City in Nepal. will continue. Since then, the Muslim population has continued to grow at a rate of roughly 100,000 per year, driven both by higher fertility rates among Muslim Americans as well as the continued migration of Muslims to the U.S. The Sensitive Stuff It has a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error. [230][231][232][233][234][235][236] The 2014 Religious Landscape Study finds a large majority (87.6%) of those who were raised as Christians in the United States still identify as such, while the rest who no longer identify as Christians mostly identify as religiously unaffiliated, and the number of those leaving Christianity in the United States is greater than the number of converts; however, the number of those convert to evangelical Christianity in the United States is greater than the number of those leaving that faith. [508][509][510], The number of Kurdish Zoroastrians, along with those of non-ethnic converts, has been estimated differently. Changement de prnom et stratgies identitaires, entre culture d'origine et migration [Shklzen or Giannis? According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, by 2060 Muslims will remain the second world's largest religion; and if current trends continue, the number of Muslims will reach 2.9billion (or 31.1%). "They were reporting on the mass conversions of Muslimsas many as 6-8 millionin sub-Saharan, Africa, and they have repeated the warning every year," he said. About a quarter of adults who were raised Muslim (23%) no longer identify as members of the faith, roughly on par with the share of Americans who were raised Christian and no longer identify with Christianity (22%), according to a new analysis of the 2014 Religious Landscape Study. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA . [459] The decline is largely due to the advanced age (median age of 34) and low fertility among unaffiliated or Nonreligious (1.7 children per woman in the 20102015 period). Islam began in Arabia and from 633 AD until the late 10th century it was spread through conquests, far-reaching trade and missionary activity. Learn about Muslims and Islam through four short lessons delivered to your inbox every other day. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Gender. According to Justin Vasse the fertility rate of Muslim immigrants declines with integration. [52] Christians have 2.7 children per woman, which is above replacement level (2.1). According to Johnson and Grim, Buddhism has grown from a total of 138 million adherents in 1910, of which 137million were in Asia, to 495million in 2010, of which 487million are in Asia. [299] From 1990 to 2010, the global Muslim population increased at an average annual rate of 2.2%. [361], In 2010 Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria was home for (47.8%) of the world's Muslims. [83], The US Department of State estimated in 2005 that Protestants in Vietnam may have grown by 600% over the previous 10 years. [276] Over the centuries a number of the Druze embraced Christianity,[222][221][277][278] Islam and other religions. ", "The Zoroastrians who remained in Persia (modern Iran) after the ArabMuslim conquest (7th century CE) had a long history as outcasts. [47] In Nigeria, the percentage of Christians has grown from 21.4%, in 1953, to 50.8%, in 2010. [248] According to scholar Wang Zuoa, 500,000 Chinese converts to Protestantism annually. The Parsis will then cease to be called a community and will be labeled a 'tribe'. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. 218219. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Of those converting, only 22 percent are becoming Christian adherents. [88] According to scholar Michael Nai-Chiu Poon of University of Toronto conversion to Christianity is increasing among Chinese Singaporeans. [461] [387], Today, the majority of the world's Jewish population is concentrated in two countries, the United States and Israel,[389] in 2013, the United States and Israel were collectively home to more than 80percent of the global Jewish population, each country having approximately 41percent of the world's Jews. [403][404] In the United States, only about a third of children from intermarriages affiliate with Jewish religious practice. According to the Pew Research Center, religious conversion may have a modest impact on religiously unaffiliated population between 2010 and 2050; religiously unaffiliated are expected to gain 61 million adherents. Ten years ago, Muhammad Syed became an ex-Muslim. [450] According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, between 2010 and 2015 "an estimated 68 million babies were born to religiously unaffiliated mothers and roughly 42 million religiously unaffiliated died, meaning that the natural increase in the religiously unaffiliated population i.e., the number of births minus the number of deaths was 26 million over this period". ", "Rise in paganism in Southeast Valley mirrors U.S. trend", "Projected Changes in the Populations of Adherents of Other Religions", "The Zarathushti World, a 2012 Demographic Picture", "Zoroastrians Keep the Faith, and Keep Dwindling", "Where we belong: The fight of Parsi women in interfaith marriages", "Parsi population dips by 22 per cent between 2001-2011: study", "Iraqi Kurds turn to Zoroastrianism as faith, identity entwine", "Hopes for Zoroastrianism revival in Kurdistan as first temple opens its doors", "Zoroastrian faith returns to Kurdistan in response to ISIL violence", "The curious rebirth of Zoroastrianism in Iraqi Kurdistan", "Hamazor Issue #2 2017: "Kurdistan reclaims its ancient Zoroastrian Faith", "Zoroastrian faith returns to Kurdistan in response to ISIS violence", "Kurdistan, the only government in Middle East that recognizes religious diversity", "Zoroastrian faith returns to Kurdistan in response to ISIL viole", "Dr. Todd M. Johnson " Institute on Culture, Religion & World Affairs Boston University", London: A Rising Island of Religion in a Secular Sea, "The Baha'i Faith 19571988: A Survey of Contemporary Developments", Religion on the Move! And only two western European countries France and Belgium will become around 10 percent Muslim, by 2030. [270] The fertility rate for Israeli Druze in 2017 is 2.1 children per woman, while the fertility rate among Jewish women (3.2) and Muslim women (3.4) and the fertility rate among Israeli Christian women (1.9). Despite the decline, Muslims still have the highest birth rate among the world's major religious groups. Officially, Arab states have major Muslim populations, varying from around 60% in Lebanon to almost 100% in Jordan or Saudi Arabia. 2010 Chinese Jesus Life Survey conducted by Dr. Yang Fenggang, Purdue University's Center on Religion and Chinese Society. [493] It served as the state religion of the ancient Iranian empires for more than a millennium, from around 600 BCE to 650 CE, but declined from the 7th century onwards following the Muslim conquest of Persia of 633654. But many people, disgusted by the role that some priests and nuns played in the killing frenzy, have shunned organized religion altogether, and many more have turned to Islam. The birth rate is expected to be the main factor in the growth of Christianity. It stated that, "Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world",[315][316] and stated that, "It is true that while Muslim families, as is well known, continue to make a lot of children, Christian ones on the contrary tend to have fewer and fewer". [29], Buddhism is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha, who was born in modern day Nepal and lived and taught in India in the 5th century BC. In fact, a solid 55 percent of those who leave Islam stop identifying with a religion at all. [319] Between 2010 and 2015, with exception of the Middle East and North Africa, Muslim fertility of any other region in the world was higher than the rate for the region as a whole. [1][2] Some faiths grow exponentially at first (especially, for example, along trade routes[27] [272][273] Even though the faith originally developed out of Ismaili Islam, Druze does not identify as a branch of Islam. Hinduism is the largest religion in the countries of India, Nepal, and Mauritius. Arabs are increasingly saying they are no longer religious, according to the largest and most in-depth survey undertaken of the Middle East and North Africa. "[302] People switching their religions will likely have no effect on the growth of the Muslim population,[6] as the number of people who convert to Islam is roughly similar to those who leave Islam. Learn about Muslims and Islam through four short lessons delivered to your inbox every other day. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax [293], Generally, the term "conversion" is not applicable to Hindu traditions. (RNS) It's bad news for organized religion: A majority of the religiously unaffiliated the so-called "nones" say they fell away from faith not because of any . ", "Sikhs fastest-growing minority in NZ: Census", "There could be more Sikhs in the future maybe", "Our year-long exploration of religions ends with Unitarianian Universalism and paganism", "PRLog (Press Release) "Wicca"- The Fastest Growing Belief System in the World Today! Two decades ago, the mere thought of people leaving Islam would have created a sense of anger and betrayal in many Muslims, with many questioning whether individuals had been brainwashed or had become too 'westernised'. [60] Evangelical Christian denominations also are among the fastest-growing denominations in some Catholic Christian countries, such as Brazil and France (France going from 2% to 3% of the population). [59] In 2017 Christianity added nearly 50 million people due to factors such as birth rate and religious conversion. [213][214] Some scholars and media reports indicate that in the Middle East there been increasing numbers of conversions to Christianity among the Berbers,[215][216][201] Kurds,[217][218][201] Persians,[206] and Turks,[219] and among some religious minorities such as Alawites and Druze. [448] (See the geographic distribution of atheism. [486][479] By 2050, according to Pew research center based on growth rate of current Sikh population between (2001-2011), India will have 27,129,086 Sikhs by half-century which will be more than that of any country including the Western world. [45], According to a 2011 Pew Research Center survey, there are 2.2billion Christians around the world in 2010,[47] up from about 600 million in 1910. Still others said they wanted to belong to a community (10%), that marriage or a relationship was the prime motivator (9%), that they were introduced to the faith by a friend, or that they were following a public leader (9%). [506] Concerns have been raised in recent years over the rapidly declining population of the Parsi community in India. Shortly after al-Qaida terrorists attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, many Muslims, as well as other Arab . "[294], Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. The story we normally hear is of an Islam growing from strength to strength, and how for all the phobia that exists around it, it remains the fastest growing religion with 1.6 billion followers across the world and acquiring new converts on an almost daily basis. But individuals are now renouncing Islam at greater rates than ever before. The latest estimate combines informationfrom our 2017 surveyof U.S. Muslims which reported on the prevalence of Muslims among immigrants and other demographic groups withofficial Census Bureau data on the number of people in these groups. Australian Bureau of Statistics (21 June 2012). [420], From the Bah' Faith's origins in the 19th century until the 1950s, the vast majority of Bahs were found in Iran; converts from outside Iran were mostly found in India and the Western world. [65] In 2000, percentage of Protestants on mentioned continents was 17%, more than 27% and 5.5%, respectively. [318] With 3.1 children per woman, Muslims have higher fertility levels than the world's overall population between 2010 and 2015. [310] According to The New York Times, an estimated 25% of American Muslims are converts,[311] these converts are mostly African American. [396], The overall growth rate of Jews in Israel is 1.7% annually. While a quarter of Muslims are switching out of Islam, most are not becoming Christians. Growth of religion involves the spread of individual religions and the increase in the numbers of religious adherents around the world. Credit: Kitti Kahotong / EyeEm. [1] According to them, there was a fast annual growth of Buddhism in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and several Western European countries (19102010). Islam is now the second most popular religion on the planet with more . However, religiously unaffiliated is expected to grow slightly due to a decrease in the fertility rate among the religiously unaffiliated population. [249] According to the Council on Foreign Relations the "number of Chinese Protestants has grown by an average of 10 percent annually since 1979". Based on the data from 49 Muslim-majority countries and territories, he found that Muslims' birth rate has significantly dropped for 41% between 1975 and 1980 to 200510 while the global population decline was 33% during that period. In fact, about half of all converts to Islam (53%) identified as Protestant before converting; another 20% were Catholic. [500][492], India has the world's largest Zoroastrian population who are called Parsis. the survey was based on 50,000 respondents with 90% of those surveyed living in Iran. Although they purchased some toleration by paying the jizya (poll tax), not abolished until 1882, they were treated as an inferior race, had to wear distinctive garb, and were not allowed to ride horses or bear arms. [362][368][369][370] According to some scholars, the Jizya (poll tax) was the most important factor in the mass conversion to Islam, the tax paid by all non-Muslims (Dhimmis which translated means "protected persons") in Islamic empires[371][372][373][374] While other scholars oppose this belief, because the jizya was not of great value, and those who could not pay it were exempt from it. [61] According to scholar Keith Smith of Georgia State University "many scholars claim that Pentecostalism is the fastest growing religious phenomenon in human history",[15] and according to scholar Peter L. Berger of Boston University "the spread of Pentecostal Christianity may be the fastest growing movement in the history of religion". This scenario (Chinese scenario) is based primarily on sensitivity tests. Those who have left Islam are more likely to be immigrants from Iran (22%) than those who have not switched faiths (8%). [118] Many Muslims who convert to Christianity face social and governmental persecution. Researchers polled mosques in London to try to calculate how many conversions take place a year. Asia has the second largest Pentecostal-charismatic Christians of any continent, with the number growing from 10 million to 135 million between 1970 and 2000". A total of 144 persons adopted Islam. [501][502] According to the National Commission for Minorities, there are a "variety of causes that are responsible for this steady decline in the population of the community", the most significant of which were childlessness and migration-[503] Demographic trends project that by the year 2020 the Parsis will number only 23,000. : Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century, I argue that 97% of the world's population growth is taking place in the developing world, where 95% of people are religious. The same 2017 survey asked converts from Islam to explain, in their own words, their reasons for leaving the faith. [438] Bah' sources state "more than five million" Bah's in 1991-2. [247] According to a report by the Singapore Management University, more people in Southeast Asia are converting to Christianity, and these new converts are mostly Chinese business managers. On the other hand, the secular West and East Asia have very low fertility and rapidly aging populations. [263] It's been also reported that conversion into Christianity is significantly increasing among Korean,[264] Chinese,[265] and Japanese in the United States. Conference on Religion and Violence. [335] Many Muslims who leave Islam face social rejection or imprisonment and sometimes murder or other penalties. And by 2050, the U.S. Muslim population is projected to reach8.1 million, or 2.1% of the nations total population nearly twice the share of today. The growth of a religion can interact with factors such as persecution, entrenched rival religions (such as established religions), and religious market saturation. ", "The Iraqi Muslims who convert to Christianity", "Out of hiding, some Kosovars embrace Christianity", "Muslim Kosovars rediscover their long-forgotten Roman Catholic roots", "Religion and the Secular State in Kyrgyzstan", "The Muslim refugees converting to Christianity 'to find safety', "Morocco's 'hidden' Christians to push for religious freedom", "MOROCCO2019INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT", "Morocco's Christian converts emerge from the shadows", "Iranian refugees turn to Christianity in the Netherlands", "Christian convert from Iran converting Muslims in Sweden", "Christianity grows in Syrian town once besieged by Islamic State", International Religious Freedom Report 2007: Tunisia, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, "Fearing a new holy empire: Just when Turks are worried about Christians, here comes the Pope", "Christian Converts Live In Fear in Intolerant Turkey", "Iranian Christians in Leeds: xperiences of Church Membership", "Why Are Millions of Muslims Becoming Christian? Thus, this report excludes religious conversion as a direct factor from the projection of Muslim population growth. Born in the . [19], These forecasts lack reliable data on religious conversion in China, but according to media reports and expert assessments, it is possible that the rapid growth of Christianity in China may maintain, or even increase, the current numerical advantage of Christianity as the largest religion in the world and may negatively affect the growth of the Religiously Unaffiliated. To many Muslims, it may be the word of God, but in thinking this, they deny the fact that faith is a lived experience and the faith that they follow has been shaped by human lives who have gone before. A quarter cited issues with religion and faith in general, saying that they dislike organized religion (12%), that they do not believe in God (8%), or that they are just not religious (5%). "The Lost History of Christianity." Religion. [82] According to a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center, around 9% of Latin Americans were raised as Protestant, but nearly 19% now identify themselves as Protestants. [362][363], According to Rodney Stark, Islam was spread after military conquests after Arab armies began overtaking Christian regions from Syria to North Africa and Spain,[364] as well as Zoroastrian, Buddhist and Hindu regions in Central Asia, parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia via military invasions,[365][366][367] traders and Sufi missionaries. In recent years, "Europe has experienced a record influx of asylum seekers fleeing from Syria and predominantly Muslim . The proportion of the global religiously unaffiliated living in North America will rise from 5% in 2010, to 9% in 2050. [306][335] Equally, Darren E. Sherkat questioned in Foreign Affairs whether some of the Muslim growth projections are accurate as they do not take into account the increasing number of non-religious Muslims. [51], By 2050, the Christian population is expected to exceed 3billion. One-fifth of the U.S. public and a third of adults under 30 are religiously unaffiliated today, the highest percentages ever in Pew Research Center polling. [348] [252] According to a 2021 study by the Pew Research Center, Christianity in India gained an increase from conversion, most of the Christian converts in India are former Hindus. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. [320] As per U.N.'s global population forecasts, as well as the [26], The largest net gains for the religiously unaffiliated between 2010 and 2050 are expected in North America (+26 million), Europe (+24 million), Latin America (+6 million), and the Asia-Pacific region (4 million). [270], Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. Only 4.7% of the Parsi community are under 6 years of age, which translates to 7 births per year per 1,000 individuals. It is expected to increase up to 62million by 2100, given that the anticipated growth rate of 1.7% per year and adding at least 400,000 followers annually. ), According to Pew Research Center survey in 2012, religiously unaffiliated (include agnostic and atheist) make up about 18.2% of Europe's population,[450] and they make up the majority of the population in only two European countries: Czech Republic (76%) and Estonia (60%). Christianity is expected to lose a net of 66 million adherents mostly to religiously unaffiliated, while religiously unaffiliated are expected to gain 61 million adherents. According to the Pew Research Center, the Muslim population in Europe (excluding Turkey) was about 30 million in 1990, and 44 million in 2010; the Muslim share of the population increased from 4.1% in 1990 to 6% in 2010. [344], The Pew Research Center notes that "the data that we have isn't pointing in the direction of 'Eurabia' at all",[345] and predicts that the percentage of Muslims is estimated to rise to 8% in 2030, due to immigration and above-average birth rates. According to the 2011 Census of India, there are 57,264 Parsis in India. In surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, Pew found that 65 percent of Americans described themselves as Christian, a 12 percent decline over the past decade. Among those who have converted to Islam, a majority come from a Christian background. The paper concludes that the Pentecostalism movement is the fastest-growing religion worldwide. [199] Also according to the historian Daniel Pipes of Harvard University and University of Chicago,[200] and a researcher specializing in criticism of Islam, "reports of widespread conversions of Muslims to Christianity come from regions as disparate as Algeria, Albania, Syria, and Kurdistan",[133] in northern Iraq and Algeria, the conversions of Kurds and Berbers to Christianity are unusually high. Grim.[521]. The goal is to secure virginal brides rather than to seek new converts to Islam. It is due to the fall of the fertility rate in many Muslim majority countries. Minorities make up just 3.6 percent of Pakistan's 220 million people and often are the target of discrimination.. More than 100 people gathered Thursday at a vigil in Arlington to honor the bald eagle, named MK, who was found struggling in a town cemetery on . The number of officers leaving the police, in each of the last five years, is shown in Table 4.1 by reason for departure. [388], According to the Pew Research Center published on 2010, religious conversion may have little impact on the Jewish population between 2010 and 2050; Jews are expected to lose 0.3 million adherents, between 2010 and 2050.
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